How It Works

How do HEAT Maps work?

HEAT Maps show HEAT Scores ranging from red to blue (hot to cold) that represent differences in waste heat leaving residential buildings. Please follow these steps to learn how to use HEAT Maps or click on the figures below for detailed information:

1. The HEAT Score service provides a city-scale overview of waste heat based on communities. If you mouse-over the red box (Fig 1), you will find that individual communities are highlighted.

2. Clicking on a community name (left sidebar) will zoom you into that Community's HEAT Score Map (Fig 2). Here, you can evaluate homes by using your mouse scroll button to zoom, or by clicking directly on the Community map.

3. The previous click will take you directly into the Residential HEAT Map (Fig 3) where individual homes have been assigned an associated HEAT Score ranging from 100 - 0 (high energy to low energy).

Fig 1. City HEAT Score Map Fig 2. Community HEAT Score Map Fig 3. Residential HEAT Score Map

4. Once you click on a colored home, the HEAT Score tab and its associated HEAT Score appears for this home (Fig 4), along with comparative HEAT Scores for this Community and City.

Fig 4. HEAT Score Tab View Fig 5. Hot Spots Tab View Fig 6. Savings Tab View

5. The Hot Spots tab (Fig 5) allows you to scroll through the 6 hottest locations on the roof edge and the 6 hottest locations on the roof top (shown three at a time). To evaluate if these locations correspond to the heat escaping from the roof, doors, windows, walls and the living envelope beneath, click on the Google Street View icon (lower right) to display the Google Street View of this house. This can be used to better assess what these hot spot may be related to.

6. The Savings tab (Fig 6) provides estimated financial and CO2e savings per year for home space heating based on 'Natural Gas' (default). These estimates are based on reducing waste heat from an average roof temperature to a minimum roof temperature, which is specific for each home. Different fuel types can also be selected resulting in new estimates for Home, Community and City waste heat information.